Peace Proms Concert

The 6th Class girls performed in the Peace Proms concert in the RDS on Saturday 6th February. It was an amazing opportunity for the girls to sing alongside the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland and the brilliant conductor Greg Beardsell. 

It was a wonderful day out for the MHOC girls, as well as for their teachers Ms. Carr, Ms. Daly, Ms. Lynch and Ms. Ryan. They are a talented bunch of girls. Comhghairdeas a chailiní!! You did us proud! 

Peace Proms 2016


The pupils in 6th class have been busy preparing for Peace Proms 2016. The Peace Proms concert will be performed on Saturday, 6th February 2016 at 2pm in the RDS Arena. 


Tickets are now available to purchase online, for the concert in February, at the following link:


Below is a link to the dance moves so the girls can practise them over Christmas if they have some free time.


Dance link: