Junior Infants – Active School Week

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We had lots of fun during Active School Week. Ali Flood, a dance teacher, came to our school and we learned a dance to Uptown Funk. In class, Ms Kelly taught us the Macarena and we revised the Birdie Dance which we learned earlier in the year. The whole school had a Drop Everything and Dance Day where Ms Friel would play music over the intercom and we had to get up and boogie! It was great fun. We also went outside and danced in the sunny yard.

Our class teamed up with Ms Mc Hugh’s 3rd class. They taught us lots of fun playground games in small groups. We really enjoyed it!

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We decided to make homemade butter using cream and a pinch of salt.  It took a lot of shaking to separate the cream into a solid (butter) and a liquid (buttermilk) but we were eventually successful!

We saved the buttermilk and made soda bread the next day in the staff room.  Everyone had to help stir the thick bread dough. Our arm muscles are super strong now! We made two loaves which we enjoyed the following day during our Teddy Bears’ Picnic with our homemade butter and some jam as a little treat. Delicious!

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